
Civil EngineeringQuantity Surveying

Calculate The Cutting Length of Spiral Bar |What Is The Spiral Bar And Its Uses

Calculate The Cutting Length of Spiral Bar |What Is The Spiral Bar |Uses of Spiral Bar

Calculate The Cutting Length of Spiral Bar |What Is The Spiral Bar And Its Uses

In this article, I have the topic of the spiral bar length. I will also discuss what is the spiral bar and where it uses.  Calculate The Cutting Length of the Spiral Bar |What Is The Spiral Bar And Its Uses.

What Is The Spiral Bar And Its Uses?

Helical Spiral bars are designed for playing permanent and reliable crack sewing repairs to masonry walls and masonry. they’re put in across cracks in a very wall to extend the tensile and flexural strength of the masonry.

How To Calculate The Cutting Length of Spiral Bar

Now We Calculate The Cutting Length of Spiral Bar

Given data

Height of spiral ring =15 foot

Top dia of spiral ring = 5 foot

Bottom dia of spiral ring =5 foot

Pitch of spiral ring = 3 foot

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The basic formula for Calculation of cutting length of the spiral bar

length of spiral bar = n√c²+p²

n= number of tern

C= circumference

P = pitch

C= Circumference = πD

C= Circumference of spiral bar = π × 5 = 15.707 foot

n= H/P =15/3 = 5

Now using a formula to find the length

length of spiral bar = n√c²+p²

length of spiral bar =5 √(15.707)²+(3)²

length of spiral bar =79.9546 foot

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Raja Numan

Hi, My name is Engr. Raja Numan author of Engineering Information Hub and I am a Civil Engineer by Profession and I've specialized in the field of Quantity Surveying, Land Surveying as QC Engineer in national and multinational companies of Pakistan & Saudi Arabia.

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