
Civil Engineering

Important And Basic Parctical Knowladge For The Civil Engineers

Basic Parctical Knowladge For The Civil Engineers |Important Knowladge For The Civil Engineers

Important And Basic Parctical Knowladge For The Civil Engineers

In this post i will define the important and basic information about the concrete calculation.block calculation.Important And The Basic Parctical Knowladge For The Civil Engineers In USA .Basic Parctical Knowladge For The Civil Engineers PDF.

Now Calculation of the materials
A)For The O1 Cubic mater concrete Ratio 1:2:4( M15)

Add Also the 5O Persent for The wet concrete = 1.5O m3

The wet concrete = 1.5O / (1+2+4) = O.214 m3

For The O1 m3 = 3O bags of the cement required (144O/5O) say 3O bags
we know one bag weight is =50Kg

Quntity of the Cement = O.214 x 3O = 6.42 bags

Quntity of the Sand = O.214 x O2 = O.428 m3

Quntity of the Aggregate = O.214 x O4 = O.856 m3

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Calculate The Volume Of The Cement Sand And Aggregate

For The Wall Plasterings In cm 1:4 of the 12 mm thicknes for 100 square meter

Volume = 100 x (12/1000) = 1.20 m3

Add Also 30 to 35 persent as the bulking of the sand =O.36 m3

Add 20 persent as the wastage of the sand = O.312 m3

Quantity of the sand = 1.872 m3

Quantity of the sand total =Quantity of the sand / sum of ratio

Quantity of the sand total = 1.872/5= O.374 m3

Quantity of the cement = O.374 x 3O=1O.77 Bags

Quantity of the Sand = O.374 x4= 1.496 m3

Now Calculation For The 1OO m3 Of The Solid Block Masonry In CM 1:6 mixxing and 8 inch Thickness

Solid Block Masonry Volume = 100 x 0.2 (Thickness of wall) = 20 m3

Number of the blocks required for Masonry = 2O/(O.4 x O.2 x O.2) = 125O2 Number

Volume of mortar for Solid Block Masonry = 2O-{O.39 x O.19 x O.19 x 125O} = 2O – 17.598 = 2.4O m3

Important notes 2OOmm -1O mm for the mortar thick = 19O mm

Total Numbers of the Blocks =17.598/(O.4 x O.2 x O.2) =11OO Number And Add 2 persent wastage of blocks = 22 Total Number

Total Numbers of the Blocks = 11OO+22 =1122 Numbe’s

Now Cement Calculation

Add by 25 persent For the dry mortar = 3 cubic meter

Cement = dry mortat / sum of ratio

Cement = 3/ (1+6) = O.429 Cubic meter

Bag Of The Cement = O.429 x 3O= 12.87=13Bags

Quantity of Sand= O.429 x 6 = 2.57 Cubic Meter

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Raja Numan

Hi, My name is Engr. Raja Numan author of Engineering Information Hub and I am a Civil Engineer by Profession and I've specialized in the field of Quantity Surveying, Land Surveying as QC Engineer in national and multinational companies of Pakistan & Saudi Arabia.

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