Highways Engineering Interview MCQ’S

Highways Engineering Interview MCQ’S
Today I have a topic about Highways Engineering Interview MCQ |Highways Engineering Test MCQ’S.
Highways Engineering Interview MCQ’S
1-A section road with a hydrocarbon pavement incorporates a horizontal curve of thousand m for a style speed of seventy-five kilo Meter pH. The super-elevation is
A-1 in 40 – Answer
B-1 in 50
C- 1 in 60
D- None of these
2- Minimum value of camber provided thiin hydrocarbon surface hill roads, is
3-The design of horizontal and vertical alignment super-elevaation, sights distance, and grades is worst choked with A
A-width of the vehicle
B-length of the vehicle
C-height of the vehicle
D-speed of the vehicle –Answer
3-The total length of a natural depression formed by two gradients – three-dimensional and + 2 curves between the two tangent points to provide a rate of change of centrifugal acceleration O.6 m/sec2, for a mode speed 100 metric linear unit pH scale, is
A-16.0 m
B-42.3 m
C-84.6 m-Answer
D-none of these.
4-Traffic engineering simply includes
A-planning of restrictive measures
B-design and application of management devices
C-analysis of traffic characteristics
D-all the on top of-Answer
5- As per recommendations of I.R.C., traffic volume study is disbursed for rural roads for seven days unendingly throughout
B-lean season
C-harvesting and lean season-Answer
D-none of these.
6–For water positive macadam roads in localities of serious rain, the recommended quantity of camber is
A-1 in 30
B- 1 in 36-Answer
C- 1 in 48
D- 1 in 60
7–When the path traveled on the horizontal surface is over the circumferential movement of the wheels as a result of rotation, then it finishes up in
8-constant of friction may be a smaller quantity once the pavement surface is heating and attachment Multiple different queries and …
C-swish and dry
D- swish and wet-Answer
9-cluster index technique of favor of versatile pavement is
A- theoretical technique
B-AN empirical technique supported physical properties of sub-grade soil – Answer
C- AN empirical technique supported strength characteristics of subgrade soil
D- A semi-empirical technique
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10-Which of the next is taken under consideration to be the most effective quality construction inside the cluster of black high pavements?
A- Mastic asphalt
B-Sheet asphalt
C- hydrocarbon carpet
D-hydrocarbon concert – Answer
11- L-A testing machine is utilized to conduct
A-Abrasion check – Answer
B-Impact check
C-Attrition check
D-Crushing strength check
12-When the breadth of automobile parking space and breadth of the street unit of measurement are restricted, the typically preferred parking system is
A-Parallel parking – Answer
B-45° angle parking
C-65° angle parking
D- 90° angle parking
13-The performance of AN enlargement joints in rigid pavements is to
A- Relieve warp stresses
B- Relieve shrinkage stresses
C-Resist stresses as a result of enlargement
D-modify free enlargement – Answer
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