
Civil EngineeringConstruction InformationCosting & Estimation

Calculate The Estimate Of The Soakage Pit

How To Calculate The Estimate Of Soakage Pit

In This Article, I will explain what is the soakage pit | calculate the estimate of the soakage pit |How To Calculate The Estimate Of the Soakage Pit.

what is the soakage pit?

before I discussed the estimate of the septic tank and now in this topic, we discuss the soakage pit and how to calculate the bill of quantity of the soakage pit.

Relatively clean effluent from the septic tank is discharged into the soakage pit. after being filtered, this water is absorbed underground. the soakage pit is dug round like a well.

now we calculate the bill of quantity of the soakage pit in given atoms  :


bricks work in cement  mortar 1:6

dray bricks works 

bricks ballast 

R.C.C sla

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How To Calculate The Estimate of Septic Tank

Types of Estimation Method in Civil Engineering

we have given data in drawing

Calculate The bill of Quantity of Soakage Pit

1 Excavation
a) upper portion 1 (3.8)2×3.14/4 .. 9 102.08m3
b) lower portion 1 3.14(3.4)2/4 0.3 9.08m3
total 111.16m3
2 bricks work in cement portion 1:6
a) uper portion 1 3.14x(3.20) 0.2 0.1 2.01m3
b) lower potrion 1 3.14x(3.20) 0.2 0.3 0.60m3
total 2.61m3
3 dry bricks work 1 3.14x(3.20) 0.2 0.3 14.68m3
4 bricks ballast
a) sides 1 3.14x(3.6) 0.2 8 18.10m3
b)bottom 1 3.14x(3.40)2/4 0.3 2.72m3
total 20.82m3
5 R.C.C slab 1 3.14x(3.3)2/4 0.1 0.911m3
6 Inlet pipe T  6″ 1 1NOS
7 Manhole cover 1 1NOS
8 50cm iron steps @30cm c.c 29 NOS

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Raja Numan

Hi, My name is Engr. Raja Numan author of Engineering Information Hub and I am a Civil Engineer by Profession and I've specialized in the field of Quantity Surveying, Land Surveying as QC Engineer in national and multinational companies of Pakistan & Saudi Arabia.
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